Procedural Auto Rig 2.3.7 for Maya

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“Rapid Rig:Modular”是作者开发了两年多的新工具。作者把他学到的所有内容都融入了“Rapid Rig: Advanced”中并将其拆分为核心,然后将其重新构建成具有令人难以置信的灵活性的东西。可以制作不对称的角色,人类,狗,蜘蛛,鸟类,半人马,龙。几乎所有你能想象到的生物,都可以使用这些工具。  _4 R- V$ M7 V$ f
"Rapid Rig: Modular" is a new tool I have been developing for over two years. I have taken everything I have learned and built into "Rapid Rig: Advanced" and tore it down to its core, then built it back up into something with incredible flexibility. If you want a character with 4 arms, two heads, 20 eyes, 14 fingers, 8 legs, etc. you can now achieve this with this very powerful and robust tool while having very similar functionality to Rapid Rig: Advanced. J, A7 |0 x% R' d2 l( q1 [* F' t

; q  i( T# s, I( v0 ^& d您可以从头开始构建绑定# b% H0 C3 _6 O
* Y0 i! h9 O2 i- h% M. }: b•手臂
% A; V7 f; P# X& Q. S0 P•腿3 \$ X* f6 R' [0 k8 v) b
•FK链(手指,尾巴,刺,翅膀): |0 w) t# ]  \# `2 G
•头部' ]# A, P$ U+ I% D) ?! n. X6 w, r
•Look-Ats(眼睛)0 i8 Q0 i5 ?( q6 }! c
/ F3 G1 q# b8 e" S, I
  g! f4 Q6 n' P& p- K•两足动物(人类)6 p9 [3 O/ S$ I5 U/ X8 |9 s5 a
0 t, Y2 c8 i2 E! a•蛛形纲动物
+ w3 J' f" ]$ W, c& Q- \& q•鸟类
7 r: F% ^/ \4 G) q# N
: p  x5 b5 Y4 G% U创建后可以修改所有模块。您还可以克隆,镜像,重新附加,固定和重新着色模块。


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